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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Bounce Lighting

Abe, our grandson. A handsome intelligent 4 year old. I took this portrait this weekend while Abe was sitting on the couch, using a Fuji S3 Pro and a Nikon 55-200 VR lens at f5.6, ISO 400 with a Nikon 600 Speedlight bounced off the white ceiling. I converted the image to B&W in Topaz Adjust, using Portrait Smooth and dropping the saturation to zero. Bounce light uses a ceiling or wall as a giant softbox, creating soft, non-harsh light that evenly illuminates the subject. Bounce light is an inexpensive way to create beautiful portraits, with out the unpleasant flash glare that is created using direct flash. Jeff

1 comment:

  1. I don't know why I haven't seen your three most recent posts...

    This portrait is beautiful, as is your grandson. Nice job, and I love that it's bw. The parents must be thrilled to have their very own in-house photographer!
